Biohistory Journal, Autumun, 2006
Research: Index > "The Biohistory Journal Stairway" Tree Changes
Sector of Science Communication and Production
"The Biohistory Journal Stairway" Tree Changes

The Sector of Science Communication and Production (SICP) conducts trials expressing a form enabling many people to share the research conducted into living creatures. It believes that methods of production and presentation create topics with commonality, and can be connected to new ideas and different fields. We utilize the characteristics of six specific media (exhibits, video, the Internet, a quarterly magazine, events, and merchandise) to seek the potential of scientific expression through their combination. The Biohistory Journal stairway is a good example. It expresses in a wide array of forms the historical narratives of living creatures over a 3.8 billion-year period, as elucidated by biology.

Combining the best of each medium increases the number of starting points with appeal to the public, and enriches the narrative of living creatures. We will continue our efforts at trial and error in the future to seek forms of expression that deepen and broaden knowledge through the Biohistory Journal. We most definitely would like to hear your opinions.

An enlargement

The life of the Asian swallowtail
The ecological base created by insects and plants
The scale alignment
The center of the body as seen from the ventral area
Answer the multiple choice problem and differentiate the ectoderm in brain cells.


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