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Past Events

Dance event: Roots and Wings

The event which united Biohistory with dance was performed on July 27. The poem written by Keiko Nakamura (Director general) became the origin of this plan. It was a new expression of science performed by fusion of Biohistory and dance.

Roots and Wings program

Part 1

workshop: Fusion of Dance and Biohistory
1. The dance of a Stone
2. The dance of a Pinecone
3. To learn by the Tree of Biology
4. The dance of a Japanese radish
Kei Takei
Keiko Nakamura

Part 2

Reading aloud:
"Roots and Wings" Keiko Nakamura
"The bird named roots" Kei Takei Fusion of Dance and Biohistory
1. The dance of a Stone
2. The dance of a Pinecone
3. To learn by the Tree of Biology
4. The dance of a Japanese radish
Kei Takei
Keiko Nakamura